Produce Trends - Oct 12, 2022

Full Harvest October 12, 2022


Recent heat waves and rainy weather have limited supplies and increased prices out of Mexico and California. There are some quality concerns around rot and hollow core due to the heat Markets are expected to continue rising. See Broccoli availability.


Prices are high, and supplies are very limited on California Lettuce (Romaine, Green Leaf, and Red Leaf). The INSV virus, a thrips-borne (insect) pathogen, has heavily impacted lettuce production in the Salinas, CA region this season. The main symptom of the virus is necrotic spots that appear on the leaves, which often end up killing the plant. It spreads quickly between plants through insects and infected sap, which is why there have been such large impacts on the monocultures of romaine and green leaf. See the Marketplace.


California Valencia Orange supplies are tight at this point of the season, especially for 88/138 ct. Quality is good, and pricing is steady, while on the higher side. Demand is beginning to exceed supply, and markets are expected to increase. Navels will come online in about a month or so.
ts. See Orange availability.