Produce Trends - June 22, 2022


You can expect California Valencias to be tight for the next 2 weeks or so. Mexico has finished up, while California is just getting started now. This means peak availability is on fancy grade fruit and there is limited juice grade fruit. Some growers have delayed harvests as they wait another few weeks for the fruit to size up. Demand is high, leading to strong pricing and a tight market. See Orange availability.


The Cauliflower market is steady with solid supply and pricing. Supply should increase with the recent warm weather. You can expect Cauliflower availability to remain steady, with some minor variations in texture and bruising. See Cauliflower availability.


The Jumbo carrot market remains tight with light supply due to the current harvest being mainly smaller-sized carrots. The harvest in Bakersfield, CA harvest has begun. You can expect jumbos out of the region to start up in another couple of weeks and increase availability. You can find juicer and chunk carrots on the Marketplace now.. See Carrot availability.